Monday, February 9, 2009

maomao's fate

I have to start seriously consider putting mao mao to another home or even the spca if we really cannot relocate him.
we are actually prepared to have him all the way but he has proven that he cannot live with little children, he loves to bark in a frightening way to anything his height or lower and just today, he terrified a poor adorable little girl and she was so upset she kept screaming. i hope this incident doesn't turn her off dogs because there are dogs like QQ who is such a sweetie and love everyone, esp children.

since we are hoping to welcome a little one into our family this year, mao mao's fate is hanging in the air. we adopted maomao not knowing his character and although he is loveable in all sense, very protective of us, a good cisco alarm, a good doorbell (after our doorbell spoilt, we just rely on him), playful at times but mostful calm but... the only prob is the biggest prob - barking at children and babies. i believe he was not well socialised as a puppy and may have bad experience with children in the past.

if you know of anyone who can love maomao, pls let us know... this darling needs a warm home with no children but able to live with other dogs eg. QQ and need minimal care. no shedding, short fur, no health problem.

what else to do... haiz... obedience class? teach a old dog new trick.. sounds tricky.
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