Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm officially 'on my own'

I think one of the biggest lessons of life is that we just can't have everything we want.

now that we are seriously trying for a baby (trust me, it is highly stressful doing that, it's no longer lovemaking anymore, it's mission-making... haha)

dyl has decided (with my agreement) that i should be a stay-at-home wife and perhaps, take on minimal work commitments.

as such, I am no longer taking on new jobs through john lim photography, essentially, I have stopped selling my art through this avenue. I will continue to fulfil all my engagements and I will do them to my best.

in some part, I feel like I have to let my career slow down and also on some note, seem to have affected my mentor, john. it is definitely difficult when one decision makes a lot of changes in others' life and work. although i had long wished to have my own label and studio, i also want to maintain a positive relationship to the place which has groomed me and played a part in making who i am today. i hope i can do that and i look forward to continuing the friendship we have built.

being chinese, i strongly believe in positive traits like "when drinking water, think of its source"

i will be lauching my new website before the end of feb (finally!) and new blog and this blog will no longer exist then.

cheers. and God bless.

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