Saturday, September 27, 2008

My own photography label... in the making..


For those who knows, I am in the process of delivering to the world my own photography label!

For those who didn't know, now you do!

What does that means?

Honestly, I have not settled the full plan of when, where, how and who.. but I am making progress now and then..

The most difficult of them all, is surprisingly a simple process... the studio's name! haaha.

I have to get that out first in order to move on to everything else, the website, the logo etc.

And talking about logo, I would like to thank my very talented multi award winning cousin, Candy, owner of her own advertising firm and also whitedogbobby site for agreeing to help to design the logo, I am sure it will be beautiful logo!

It feels great to be surrounded by such talented and inspiring family and friends. :)

I may not have settled the exact plans but I know what I want.. I want a place to let my dogs roam while i work, creative and fun people to hang out with and have a cup of coffee now and then to laugh over things, dynamic working environment, somewhere very much me and decorated the way I like it, someplace to meet all my couples (Xbox will be included! Idea from one of the groom I will be shooting), someplace to put a baby cot in when baby arrives, dylan to enjoy being around, dad and mum to drop by and fuss around now and then, perhaps a parrot to entertain the guest - dylan's idea, he really wants a parrot and since I strongly rejected to have a parrot in my house, he can have it in our studio next time!

With so many things happening and so many pets around, I cannot image a small studio in town but somewhere like wessex estate! that will be great :) the problem is that, it is so hard to get a place there!

Will I be staying around with JLP? I am working out that option. I believe that no matter what, John has been a great photography mentor and we will make sensible, responsible decision towards this consideration.

Just like summer camps, everything in life has to come to an end somehow and start anew in another way. It doesn't feel good sometimes, but we will all get over it, just like the empty feeling after a fun camp has ended or when you graduated out of college and took your last walk out the school gate.

Out on the limb is where the fruit is, if you do not climb trees and risk breaking an arm or two for the fruits, you wouldn't get to taste the fruit of your labour. :)

Recent weddings and events!

Photos to share of our company's recent fun at a charity golf event with the celebrities sports club and a recent wedding from me.. all at here..

Enjoy! :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

A journey begins with one first step

Today I had a surprise encouragement from a friend, and I think it's such a blessing to have great friends and support from God all the time. :)

She reminded me that little by little, one can go very far. And my journey of having my own photography label starts with just a single step. 

And I have just done that step, i think (it's just happened in a moment)... haha. call me and i will let you know what it is.

As I have always believe, running a photography label is no easy feat. I believe in piling resources, sensible networking and sharing ideas, joys and pain with somebody. Right now, this person is a great mentor, John. 

What lies ahead? Only God knows. And I trust in him wholeheartedly. 

And guess what, I am so thrilled to find out that there's government paid maternity leave for me! (when that happens some time later.. hopefully by then, there'll be more months of maternity leave! but seriously, how many months can it get to? a whole yr?)

Ok, our baby project 2011 is on its way.....

Way too fast...

This year is going by too fast.. way too fast..

Despite being happy that things at work and photography are going well, I can't help but noticed how much time has been spent on work...

I am going to reflect on how I can be a better wife and prepare myself to be a good mother... on top of being a fun and great photographer. :)

When I quit my job in the hospital and joined JLP full time, I thought that I would naturally have more time for my husband... but I was wrong. I may have more time but I am so dead tired in those time, from work. Time spent with family, also has to be quality time.

So a new challenge will be to balance my work and my family. at a time where more and more photography assignments are falling into my laps.. some bringing me out of Singapore across the causeway to Malaysia... (holiday at the same time!)

That's why I hold firm that I will only work four weekdays a week - and keep thursday to my family and to my contribution back to society at the nursing home. :)

Alot of what I thought I should do, can do, want to do, has changed. I don't want to shoot 100 weddings a year.. work my ass off.... nope nope.

I just want to be a good photographer, a good wife...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Re-branding process

I'm in the process of re-branding and re-aligning my directions of my photography, especially my favourite wedding photography. It takes a lot of time, headache, money, effort etc. :)

But it will be worth it but pls hang in there cos it will take a while.

Generally, I am figuring out how to align myself better with the team I am working with at John Lim Photography. The directions to go from here, the methods to do it, the changes involved etc. I thank God for his blessings everyday - it has been nearing a year since I started on wedding photography seriously and I thank him for giving me strength, wisdom, creativity, a great husband, a wonderful mentor, lovely couples all year round.

It has been such a exciting journey. :)