Sunday, May 25, 2008

QQ all bald

this is qq, all botak and sleepy...

going , going, and gone.... :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

photography time

from tomorrow onwards, i will b in the studio in the day, fixed timing, so i think it would be very nice to take out one hour a day in the morning to shoot.

like a daily dose of photography.

just like how i promised qq i would walk her every day for at least 15 min (that's still walk).

hmm.... i am starting to set a lot of routine for myself, wonder if i would stick to it.

wise man

i thank God that there are wise men and women in the world.

let me not be frustrated and await for the truth be told.

I must set a good example and a good living testimony as a child of God.

Encountered a rather frustrating situation today but God has been good, once again.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

back to the gym

i have decided it's finally time to hit the gym and return to my exercise program. i have told myself and dylan that i would do so when i quit my hospital job - so now's the time to fulfil that!

But since exercise is not my top favourite activity - i told dyl i thought sleeping was my fav sports but he says sleeping is not a sport (discounting other events that can/may/would like to take place before we sleep - but that doesn't provide enough cardiovascular workout :p )

so i have to convince myself why: here's the top 3 reasons:

- for work: a photographer needs to be fit so that she can run in 3 secs from the back of the couple to all the way to the front during the march in.

- for love: healthy and fit helps in love-making.

- for personal: losing some fats helps in self-esteem. (i have clients say that i look like olinda choo -how to spelll her name? you got it, the size. argh)

so i will hit the gym next week. (this weekend i sure start with swimming first.)

i will report back here and you can throw stones at me if i haven't done it yet by next friday. (must give myself more allowance)

Monday, May 19, 2008

My favourite photographers

I have added a list of my daily readings and inspiration - my fav photographers.

U would notice that all but one are women photographers! They are really great women and i am so proud of them. :)
Just to share a meaning verse for my life...
"The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil All the days of her life. Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land."
Proverbs 31:11,12, 23

I am learning, but i will always make it a top priority to be a good wife. whatever the case, family comes first.

getting a kick

i didn't know that other than getting nice photos, scrubbing the kitchen clean gives me such a high too. - i can now consider being a stay-at-home wife! woohoo!

ok, the progress of cleaning the house wasn't fun though.

i shall take some photos of the kitchen... will b back.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

it's all over

It's all over.

2 years of my life, the hospital.

Sense of loss, woke up feeling odd. no need to rush for the 730pm presentation.

yet, i still woke up by 8 plus - argh, thought finally it's going to be a late day.

Well, time to walk qq and enjoy a short break!

Monday, May 12, 2008

3 more days...

3 more days to go.. to freedom! haha (or another prison?? - the studio?? ) who knows? I don't care.

I am so happy, i am going to clap.

And hug dylan and dance around the house. :P

first on my to-do list, other than continuing to polish up my skills, is to learn how to cook better, and dyl thinks that there's huge improvement already! yuppie!

I am so happy. I can dance.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


here's an update on qq- she turned one recently! this photo was taken during CNY party this year when she felt kinda neglected and retreated to a corner... so cute. :)

i really dunno what will become of our life if we don't have a dog, especially such a darling.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

somewhat a sad day

something instinctively made me pick up a copy of straits times today. i rarely buy papers, i prefer watching the news.

then i spotted the news about the young radio talk show who passed on after losing the fight to stomach cancer... and i thought about a good pal's sister who at just 27 was also losing the fight to the same type of cancer. it was her illness that drew me to seek medical treatment for my long term gastric issues and at just 23, i braved a colonoscopy and endoscopy just to be sure as my grandfather died of stomach cancer. (family history counts big time). the results came out well - no signs of cancer. (but i will repeat it every few years just to be sure. yes, it's expensive but health is priceless)

and as instinctively, i opened the obituaries page and... i saw her sister's obituary. she left on the same day as the talkshow host. same illness, same fight, same day to pass on.

it seems like God sent me a big signal, as a time when i am struggling with my career choice, my family life... i suddenly realised where i was heading - switching to photography was worthed every single cents and sweat, for life can be very short, and you don't know when it's your turn to move on. so i am glad i made the switch and fulfiled an important part of my life. my family- i will make an effort to spend more time and fulfil my role as a wife, daughter, mother to QQ.

i did spend some time pondering whether the switch to photography was right, i kept thinking, why don't you just follow the general route and climb the corporate ladder? but, that's not what i want for my life! i love taking pictures and making it my job has been a dream come true.

now, today, i can firmly and happily says, i am proud to be a photographer.

and for you, although i have never known you, but i have heard lots about your struggle. you have fought the good fight... all the way, till the end. i hope i have the strength like you..

Saturday, May 3, 2008

farewell, my friends, my patients.

In another 2 weeks. this crazy schedule better be over. QQ and my husband seriously need nurturing.

and i need some time to rest.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

photoshop, my fav

some time ago, i had my first dslr as a graduation gift. now, i am turning pro.

cool :)

today i am really thrilled cos after looking back at things that was done previously, i realised how greatly i have improved in my photography, especially in my post editing skills.

not that photoshop saves bad photo, i have realised how extremely important it is to shoot good photo, because photoshop can only enhance a good photo, not save a bad one.

so here's sharing a ROM photo i have just processed and i really liked this photo, maybe cos i really like the couple too.

This labour day, i am labouring on the computer... haha.. well, that's my life. :)