Sunday, March 30, 2008

God is good!

I brought the 85mm f1.4 nikon lens to a wedding job on saturday and had a blast shooting with it. it was really cool!

Will post some pictures of it soon. =)

Anyway, I am tying up loose ends at the hospital and slowly packing my stuff... to leave! o yeah!

God is good.

Friday, March 21, 2008

the leap year superdog

Remember how i mentioned sparky (Yi's doggie) is a leap year superdog?

We had quite a blast celebrating her birthday @ Happy Daze and she naturally, ate up all the food and totally ignored QQ. hahaha.

So much fun.... =)

What pushes me on...

Recently, I shot my own farewell lunch from the hospital.

Such an interesting experience.. it was quite overwhelming, when i finally decided to leave this job as an occupational therapist to pursue my passion and calling in photography wholeheartedly.

It was even more interesting that the night before my farewell lunch, i had a cosy welcome dinner from johnlimphotography. hahaha... what an irony. a welcome here, a farewell there... but that really did made my day.

of course, this marks a new beginning in my life, a new chapter... a time to move on.. =)

Somedays, when i look around the hospital, i feel sad about leaving but this is what keeps me going.... sharing a recent compliment from a customer and dear friend, Yvonne K:

"Dear Regina, we have decided to engage your services as our actual day photographer! :) we are excited! and happy, knowing that our photographs would turn out lovely and beautiful in your hands...."

yes, i would still be making a difference, in another way, by creating beautiful memories. =)

i hope in my humble ways, to continue to be a joy in others' life... and sharing their very special day makes me feel so honoured...

Thank you, to all my friends, my customers...

I will always do my best, for you.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Moving on...

I am glad I have a job I love... celebrating love and intimacy.

In a short while, I will be probably leaving my other job in healthcare to pursue my photography career.

I feel that in life, it it always about choices, if I want to excel in my photography, I have to make a choice and move on.

Which I had, and i am glad for that.

I hope that life in the family will return to a normal rountine once i am settled with only my photography career and not having to juggle both my healthcare work and this.

Of course, to a certain extent, I will miss the smell of the hospital, the sound of call bells, nice patients, the satisfaction of sending a patient home with adequate care plan.

Those will remain in my memory for a long long time.