Wednesday, February 18, 2009

big issue with whinny dog

we are facing a home crisis situation now.

ever since we start to prepare the dogs for the possible arrival of a baby - shifting them out of our room, letting them smell the baby cot and stuff, banning them from going up the sofa, we are havin a little problem with maomao.

he has been a super insecure dog since day 1, when we tried to get him to sleep in the other room, he literally tore the door down trying to get out and managed to whine continuously for 2 hours on the 1st day. in the end, we had to let him sleep in our bedroom.

now, many months later, we are trying to get him to sleep on his own again (with qq in the same room), but he is giving us another problem.

he's fine going in the room in the night but automatically starts his whining at about 630am everyday. he turned himself into an alarm clock!

nothing much can stop him and i have spent the last few days waking up at 630am (Why do i have to wake up at such unearthly time???!!) and asking him to keep quiet then going back to sleep and then waking up to his whining every hourly.

i would love to let him whine on and on but the problem is that our neighbours will prob kill us.

see, i am trying to ensure some luxury of sleep that will disappear once the baby arrives and i can't do that....

i also want to whine.

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