Thursday, February 26, 2009

how can a dog sleep like this?

QQ the dog is really an amazing dog. for one, she doesn't care where and when, she just sleep wherever she likes. even if it means she is in a lift going home, she will flop down on the floor and decide to rest.and unlike most dogs, she doesn't follow me up and down in the house when i am moving around, mao mao does, she doesn't care, she will continue sleeping wherever she is.

her favourite sleeping spot is right outside the kitchen, esp when i am cooking, she will sleep there smelling the sweet aroma of food. she will of course, later whine for food but she knows it is cooking now and she cannot eat yet.

today i was amused to find her in this sleeping position, on her back and with her legs resting against the wall and her head, tail, front legs, back legs, all in different direction. this dog can do yoga. Photos are from my camera phone - pardon the lousy image quality!
and just to sidetrack, here's one of her in a basket:
amusing also that she doesn't really behave for me when i am holding my dslr, but when i am using my handphone, she doesn't think i am shooting her so she gets very relaxed. keke.

(on another sidenote, quite irritated that maomao peed in the house and dirtied the walls. what is with him!!!)

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